1) Tanaka, K., Cyong, JC., Kuwayama, R., Horiguchi, Y. and Ito H. : Proceedings Mechanism of action of circulatory drugs with regard to effects on venous return. 2. Jpn. J. Pharmacol. 24(0),s, 69,1974.
2) Cyong, JC., Tsuchiya, R., Horiguchi, Y., Tanaka, K. and Itoh, H. : New technique and its application for measurement of hepatic-volum change using strain-gauge arch. Yokohama Med. Bull. 25, 25-34, 1974.
3) Okada, H. and Cyong, JC. : Generation of cytotoxic lipid substance in cell mediated cytotoxicity. Japn. J. Exp. Med. 45, 533-534, 1975.
4) 丁 宗鉄、田中一男、土屋律子、堀口佳哉、伊藤 宏:光電管脈波計による肺微小循環の研究 横浜医学 25, 153-160, 1975.
5) 丁 宗鉄、田中一男、土屋律子、堀口佳哉、伊藤 宏:循環系治療薬の肺微小循環に対する作用について 脈管学 15, 119-123, 1975.
6) Cyong, JC. : Effects of strospeside on the systemic, pulmonary and splanchnic hemodynamics in shock. Yokohama Med. Bull. 27, 23-40, 1975.
7) Cyong, JC. and Okada, H. : Histochemical studies on fatty acid in lymphocyte-mediated immune reaction. Immunology 30, 763-770, 1976.
8) Cyong, JC., Tanaka, K., Horiguchi, Y. and Itoh, H. : Mechanism of decresed venous return with nitroglycerin. Japn. J. Pharmacol. 26, 123-125, 1976.
9) Cyong, JC. Okada, H., Ishihara, K. and Hasegawa, F.: Effect of ethanol on cyclic nucleotide levels and the electron microscopic .morphology of munine mammary tumor cells. Kitasato Arch. Exp. Med. 51, 73-80, 1978.
10) Cyong, JC., Horiguchi, Y., Tanaka, K. and Itoh, H. : Effect of adrenaline and isoprenaline on hepatic venous haemodynamics and venous return in the dog. Chin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol. 5, 297-304, 1978.
11) Okada, H. and Cyong, JC. : Enhanced release of lipase from stimulated mouse spleen cells. Immunology. 36, 307-311, 1979.
12) 丁 宗鉄、竹村一二、梁 哲宗、英 清道:合成基質による尿中リパーゼ活性の測定法とその応用 医学と生物学 99, 69-73, 1979.
13) 丁 宗鉄、竹村一二、梁 哲宗、英 清道:尿中リパーゼ活性値の各種疾患における検討 医学と生物学 99, 93-97, 1979.
14) 丁 宗鉄、早坂健一、原和之:悪性黒色腫患者白血球中 Cyclic nucleotidesならびにリンパ球幼若化反応 医学と生物学 99, 7-9, 1979.
15) Cyong, JC. and Hanabusa, K. : Cyclic adenosine monophospahte in fruits of Zizyphus jujuba. Phytochemistry 19, 2747-2748, 1980.
16) 丁 宗鉄、田中一男:網内系機能と Renin -Angiotensin 系の相互作用 , 脾臓内 cyclic nucleotides に及ぼす angiotensin の作用 日本網内系学会誌 19, 275-279, 1980.
17) Cyong, JC. : Purification and identification of cyclic nucleotides in Oriental medicinal herbs. Acupunct. Electrother. Res. 6(4),285-304,1981.
18) Hanabusa, K., Cyong, JC. and Takahashi, M. : High-level of cyclic AMP in the Jujube plum. Planta Medica 42, 380-384, 1981.
19) 荒川和男、大塚恭男、進藤美由記、丁 宗鉄:Phellodendron amurense (キハダ)に含まれる交感神経作働性物質 医学と生物学 103, 409-413, 1981.
20) Okada, H., Tanaka, H. and Cyong, JC. : Resistance to immune cytolysis induced by 4NQO and MNNG. A possible mechnism involved in chemical carcinogenicity. J. Immunol. 127, 1903-1907, 1981.
21) Cyong, JC. and Otsuka, Y. : A pharmacological study of the anti-inflammatory activity of Chinese herbs. Acupunct. Electrother. Res. 7(2-3),173-202,1982.
22) Cyong, JC., Takahashi, M., Hanabusa, K. and Otsuka, Y. : Guanosine 3′: 5′ – monophosphate in fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa and E. officinalis. Phytochemistry 21, 777-778, 1982.
23) Cyong, JC. and Takahashi, M. : Guanosine 3′: 5′ – monophosphate activity in fruits of Zizyphus jujuba. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 30, 1081-1083, 1982.
24) Cyong JC. and Takahashi, M. : Identification of guanosine 3′: 5′ – monophosphate in the fruit of Zizyphus jujuba. Phytochemistry 21, 1871-1874, 1982.
25) Cyong, JC. and Takahashi, M. : Purification and identification of guanosine 3′: 5′ – monophosphate from higher plants. (Evodiae Fructus) Chem. Pharm. Bull. 30, 2463-2466, 1982.
26) 高橋 誠 、丁 宗鉄:薬用人参のATP活性について 生薬学雑誌 36, 177-180, 1982.
27) 長 紹元、高橋 誠、戸井田貞子、丁 宗鉄:生薬によるアジュバント関節炎の抑制(第1報) 生薬学雑誌 36, 78-81, 1982.
28) Takahashi, M., Cyong, JC., Toida, S., Shindo, M. and Cho, S. : Suppression of adjuvant arthritis by oral administration of oriental herbs II. Kitasato Arch. Exp. Med. 55, 34-45, 1982.
29) 荒川和男、丁 宗鉄:黄柏の薬理活性物質(第一報)β作用物質の分離とその心血管系への作用 生薬学雑誌 36, 211-215, 1982.
30) Jyonouchi, H., Cyong, JC., Shen, F. W., Fernandes G., Day, N. K. and Good R. A. : Alteration of murine serum lipase activity after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Clin. Immunol. Immunopath. 22, 94-104, 1982.
31) Cyong, JC., Witkin S. S., Rieger, B., Barbarese, E., Good. R. A. and Day, N. K. : Antibody-independent complement activation by myelin via the classical complement pathway. J. Exp. Med. 155, 587-598, 1982.
32) Cyong, JC., Tanaka, K., Horiguchi, Y. : Comparison of effects of adrenaline, ethylphenylephrine, iso-prenaline and terbutaline on the vascular system. Arch. Int. Pharmacol. Ther. 257, 255-262, 1982.
33) Cyong, JC. : Cyclic Nucleotides in Oriental Medicinal Herbs. Adv. Pharmacol. Ther. 6, 251-256, 1982.
34) 山田陽城、清原寛章、丁 宗鉄、小島保彦、熊沢義雄、大塚恭男:当帰の多糖の研究, 産地の異なる当帰由来の多糖成分の化学的性状と生物活性 生薬学雑誌 38, 111-117, 1984.
35) 山崎嘉司、斉藤成司、小川浩司、丁 宗鉄:扁桃誘発試験と血中 Immune complex 日扁桃会誌 23, 166-172, 1984.
36) Yamada, H., Kiyohara, H., Cyong, JC., Kijima, Y. Kumazawa, Y. and Otsuka, Y. : Studies on polysaccharides from Angelica acutiloba, Part 1 fractionation and biological properties of polysaccharides. Planta Medica 50, 163-167, 1984.
37) Arakawa, K., Otsuka, Y. and Cyong, JC. : Inhibition of the metyrapone and heat-stress induced hypertension by the Phellodendri cortex on rats. Japn. J. Pharmacology 39, 162-164, 1985.
38) 荒川和男、丁 宗鉄、大塚恭男:黄連解毒湯のラット体温調節に及ぼす影響 和漢医薬学会誌 2, 317-329, 1985.
39) Yamada, H., Kiyahara, H., Cyong, JC. and Otsuka, Y. : Studies on polysaccharides from Angelica acutiloba, -Characterization of an anti-complementary arabinogalactan from the roots of Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa. Molecular Immunology 22, 295-304, 1985.
40) 山崎嘉司、斉藤成司、小川浩司、丁 宗鉄、鈴木理文:血中免疫複合体と扁桃 日扁桃誌 24, 149-155, 1985.
41) Yamada, H., Ohtani, K., Kiyohara, H., Cyong, JC., Otsuka, Y. and Omura, S. : Purification and chemical properties of anti-complementary polysaccharide from the leaves of Artemisia pinceps. Planta Medica 52, 121-125, 1985.
42) Tanaka, M. and Cyong, JC. : The development of complement activating ability as an age related factor in murine brains Microbiol. Immunol. 29, 1219-1227, 1985.
43) Yamada, H., Nagai, T., Cyong, JC., Otsuka, Y., Tomoda, M., Shimizu, N. and Shimada, K. : Relationship between chemical structure and anti-complementary activity of plant polysaccharides. Carbohydtate Res. 144, 101-111, 1985.
44) Kiyohara, H., Yamada, H., Cyong, JC., Otsuka, Y. : Studies on polysaccharides from Angelica acutiloba. V. Molecular aggregation and anti-complementary activity of arabinogalactan from Angelica acutiloba. J. Pharmacobiodyn. 9(4), 339-346,1986.
45) 丁 宗鉄、山田陽城、大塚恭男:免疫複合体、補体系と和漢薬 和漢医薬学会誌 3, 207-210, 1986.
46) Yamada, H., Cyong, JC., Otsuka, Y. : Purification and characterization of complement activating-acidic polysaccharide from the root of Lithospermum euchromum Royle. Int. J. Immunopharmac. 8, 71-82, 1986.
47) Yamada, H., Yanahira, Y., Kiyohara, H., Cyong, JC., Otsuka, Y. : Water-soluble glucaus from the seed of Coix lacrymajobivar. ma-yuen. Phytochemistry 25, 129-132, 1986.
48) Kiyohara, H., Yamada, H., Cyong, JC., Otsuka, Y. : Studies on polysaccharides from Angelica acutiloba V. Molecular aggregation and anti-complementary activity of arabino-galactan from Angelica acutiloba. J. Pharmacobio-Dyn. 9, 339-346, 1986.
49) 山崎嘉司、斉藤成司、小川浩司、丁 宗鉄、鈴木理文、小林 力:扁桃病巣感染症の発生機序とその修飾因子 日扁桃誌 25, 249-258, 1986.
50) Yamada, H., Nagai, T., Cyong, JC., Otsuka, Y., Tomoda, M., : Shimizu, N., and Gonda, R. : Relationship between chemical structure and activating potencies of complement by an acidic polysaccharide, Plantago-Mucilage A, from the seed of Plantago asiatica. Carbohydr. Res. 156, 137-145, 1986.
51) Yamada, H., Yoshino, M., Matsumoto, T., Nagai, T., Kiyohara, H., Cyong, JC., Nakagawa, A., Tanaka, H., Omura, S. : Effects of phytosterols on anti-complementary activity. Chem. Pharm. Bull. (Tokyo). 35(12),4851-4815,1987.
51) Yamada, H., Kiyohara, H., Cyong, JC., Otsuka, Y. : Structural characterisation of an anti-complementary arabinogalactan from the roots of Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa. Carbohydr. Res. 159(2),275-291,1987.
52) Cyong, JC., Matsumoto, T., Arakawa, K., Kiyohara, H., Yamada, H. : Anti-Bacteroides fragilis substance from Rhubarb. J. Ethanopharmacol. 19, 279-282, 1987.
53) 山崎嘉司、斉藤成司、小川浩司、丁 宗鉄、小林 力:扁桃組織の補体系に及ぼす影響 日扁桃誌 26, 134-140, 1987.
54) Yamada, H., Kiyohara, H., Nagai, T., Cyong, JC. and Otsuka, Y. : Chemical structures and mode of actions of anti-complementary polysaccharides from chinese herbs. J. Pharmacobio-Dyn 10, 59-64, 1987.
55) Tanaka, M., Matsumoto, T., and Cyong, JC. : Effect of Rhei Rhizoma on immune complex clearance in vitro I. J. Medical Pharmaceut. Soc. WAKAN-YAKU 4(1),1-7, 1987.
56) 荒川和男、蒲谷浩司、丁 宗鉄、大塚恭男:高血圧ラットMHRあるいはSHRの血圧に及ぼす二種の漢方方剤とドパミン作用薬の効果 和漢医薬学会誌、4,35-42, 1987.
57) 矢数道明、真柳 誠、室賀 昭三、小曽戸 洋、丁 宗鉄、大塚恭男:医学、薬学教育における伝統医学 (I)~医・歯・薬科大学伝統教育の展望 日本東洋医学雑誌 38, 35-46, 1987.
58) 矢数道明、真柳 誠、室賀 昭三、小曽戸 洋、丁 宗鉄、大塚恭男:医学、薬学教育における伝統医学 (II)~医・歯・薬科大学伝統教育の展望 日本東洋医学雑誌 38, 47-56, 1987.
59) Kiyohara, H., Cyong, JC. and Yamada, H. : Structure and anti-complementary activity of pectic polysaccharides isolated from the root of Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa. Carbohydr. Res. 182(2), 259-275,1988.
1) Tanaka, K., Cyong, JC., Kuwayama, R., Horiguchi, Y. and Ito H. : Proceedings Mechanism of action of circulatory drugs with regard to effects on venous return. 2. Jpn. J. Pharmacol. 24(0),s, 69,1974.
2) Cyong, JC., Tsuchiya, R., Horiguchi, Y., Tanaka, K. and Itoh, H. : New technique and its application for measurement of hepatic-volum change using strain-gauge arch. Yokohama Med. Bull. 25, 25-34, 1974.
3) Okada, H. and Cyong, JC. : Generation of cytotoxic lipid substance in cell mediated cytotoxicity. Japn. J. Exp. Med. 45, 533-534, 1975.
4) 丁 宗鉄、田中一男、土屋律子、堀口佳哉、伊藤 宏:光電管脈波計による肺微小循環の研究 横浜医学 25, 153-160, 1975.
5) 丁 宗鉄、田中一男、土屋律子、堀口佳哉、伊藤 宏:循環系治療薬の肺微小循環に対する作用について 脈管学 15, 119-123, 1975.
6) Cyong, JC. : Effects of strospeside on the systemic, pulmonary and splanchnic hemodynamics in shock. Yokohama Med. Bull. 27, 23-40, 1975.
7) Cyong, JC. and Okada, H. : Histochemical studies on fatty acid in lymphocyte-mediated immune reaction. Immunology 30, 763-770, 1976.
8) Cyong, JC., Tanaka, K., Horiguchi, Y. and Itoh, H. : Mechanism of decresed venous return with nitroglycerin. Japn. J. Pharmacol. 26, 123-125, 1976.
9) Cyong, JC. Okada, H., Ishihara, K. and Hasegawa, F.: Effect of ethanol on cyclic nucleotide levels and the electron microscopic .morphology of munine mammary tumor cells. Kitasato Arch. Exp. Med. 51, 73-80, 1978.
10) Cyong, JC., Horiguchi, Y., Tanaka, K. and Itoh, H. : Effect of adrenaline and isoprenaline on hepatic venous haemodynamics and venous return in the dog. Chin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol. 5, 297-304, 1978.
11) Okada, H. and Cyong, JC. : Enhanced release of lipase from stimulated mouse spleen cells. Immunology. 36, 307-311, 1979.
12) 丁 宗鉄、竹村一二、梁 哲宗、英 清道:合成基質による尿中リパーゼ活性の測定法とその応用 医学と生物学 99, 69-73, 1979.
13) 丁 宗鉄、竹村一二、梁 哲宗、英 清道:尿中リパーゼ活性値の各種疾患における検討 医学と生物学 99, 93-97, 1979.
14) 丁 宗鉄、早坂健一、原和之:悪性黒色腫患者白血球中 Cyclic nucleotidesならびにリンパ球幼若化反応 医学と生物学 99, 7-9, 1979.
15) Cyong, JC. and Hanabusa, K. : Cyclic adenosine monophospahte in fruits of Zizyphus jujuba. Phytochemistry 19, 2747-2748, 1980.
16) 丁 宗鉄、田中一男:網内系機能と Renin -Angiotensin 系の相互作用 , 脾臓内 cyclic nucleotides に及ぼす angiotensin の作用 日本網内系学会誌 19, 275-279, 1980.
17) Cyong, JC. : Purification and identification of cyclic nucleotides in Oriental medicinal herbs. Acupunct. Electrother. Res. 6(4),285-304,1981.
18) Hanabusa, K., Cyong, JC. and Takahashi, M. : High-level of cyclic AMP in the Jujube plum. Planta Medica 42, 380-384, 1981.
19) 荒川和男、大塚恭男、進藤美由記、丁 宗鉄:Phellodendron amurense (キハダ)に含まれる交感神経作働性物質 医学と生物学 103, 409-413, 1981.
20) Okada, H., Tanaka, H. and Cyong, JC. : Resistance to immune cytolysis induced by 4NQO and MNNG. A possible mechnism involved in chemical carcinogenicity. J. Immunol. 127, 1903-1907, 1981.
21) Cyong, JC. and Otsuka, Y. : A pharmacological study of the anti-inflammatory activity of Chinese herbs. Acupunct. Electrother. Res. 7(2-3),173-202,1982.
22) Cyong, JC., Takahashi, M., Hanabusa, K. and Otsuka, Y. : Guanosine 3′: 5′ – monophosphate in fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa and E. officinalis. Phytochemistry 21, 777-778, 1982.
23) Cyong, JC. and Takahashi, M. : Guanosine 3′: 5′ – monophosphate activity in fruits of Zizyphus jujuba. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 30, 1081-1083, 1982.
24) Cyong JC. and Takahashi, M. : Identification of guanosine 3′: 5′ – monophosphate in the fruit of Zizyphus jujuba. Phytochemistry 21, 1871-1874, 1982.
25) Cyong, JC. and Takahashi, M. : Purification and identification of guanosine 3′: 5′ – monophosphate from higher plants. (Evodiae Fructus) Chem. Pharm. Bull. 30, 2463-2466, 1982.
26) 高橋 誠 、丁 宗鉄:薬用人参のATP活性について 生薬学雑誌 36, 177-180, 1982.
27) 長 紹元、高橋 誠、戸井田貞子、丁 宗鉄:生薬によるアジュバント関節炎の抑制(第1報) 生薬学雑誌 36, 78-81, 1982.
28) Takahashi, M., Cyong, JC., Toida, S., Shindo, M. and Cho, S. : Suppression of adjuvant arthritis by oral administration of oriental herbs II. Kitasato Arch. Exp. Med. 55, 34-45, 1982.
29) 荒川和男、丁 宗鉄:黄柏の薬理活性物質(第一報)β作用物質の分離とその心血管系への作用 生薬学雑誌 36, 211-215, 1982.
30) Jyonouchi, H., Cyong, JC., Shen, F. W., Fernandes G., Day, N. K. and Good R. A. : Alteration of murine serum lipase activity after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Clin. Immunol. Immunopath. 22, 94-104, 1982.
31) Cyong, JC., Witkin S. S., Rieger, B., Barbarese, E., Good. R. A. and Day, N. K. : Antibody-independent complement activation by myelin via the classical complement pathway. J. Exp. Med. 155, 587-598, 1982.
32) Cyong, JC., Tanaka, K., Horiguchi, Y. : Comparison of effects of adrenaline, ethylphenylephrine, iso-prenaline and terbutaline on the vascular system. Arch. Int. Pharmacol. Ther. 257, 255-262, 1982.
33) Cyong, JC. : Cyclic Nucleotides in Oriental Medicinal Herbs. Adv. Pharmacol. Ther. 6, 251-256, 1982.
34) 山田陽城、清原寛章、丁 宗鉄、小島保彦、熊沢義雄、大塚恭男:当帰の多糖の研究, 産地の異なる当帰由来の多糖成分の化学的性状と生物活性 生薬学雑誌 38, 111-117, 1984.
35) 山崎嘉司、斉藤成司、小川浩司、丁 宗鉄:扁桃誘発試験と血中 Immune complex 日扁桃会誌 23, 166-172, 1984.
36) Yamada, H., Kiyohara, H., Cyong, JC., Kijima, Y. Kumazawa, Y. and Otsuka, Y. : Studies on polysaccharides from Angelica acutiloba, Part 1 fractionation and biological properties of polysaccharides. Planta Medica 50, 163-167, 1984.
37) Arakawa, K., Otsuka, Y. and Cyong, JC. : Inhibition of the metyrapone and heat-stress induced hypertension by the Phellodendri cortex on rats. Japn. J. Pharmacology 39, 162-164, 1985.
38) 荒川和男、丁 宗鉄、大塚恭男:黄連解毒湯のラット体温調節に及ぼす影響 和漢医薬学会誌 2, 317-329, 1985.
39) Yamada, H., Kiyahara, H., Cyong, JC. and Otsuka, Y. : Studies on polysaccharides from Angelica acutiloba, -Characterization of an anti-complementary arabinogalactan from the roots of Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa. Molecular Immunology 22, 295-304, 1985.
40) 山崎嘉司、斉藤成司、小川浩司、丁 宗鉄、鈴木理文:血中免疫複合体と扁桃 日扁桃誌 24, 149-155, 1985.
41) Yamada, H., Ohtani, K., Kiyohara, H., Cyong, JC., Otsuka, Y. and Omura, S. : Purification and chemical properties of anti-complementary polysaccharide from the leaves of Artemisia pinceps. Planta Medica 52, 121-125, 1985.
42) Tanaka, M. and Cyong, JC. : The development of complement activating ability as an age related factor in murine brains Microbiol. Immunol. 29, 1219-1227, 1985.
43) Yamada, H., Nagai, T., Cyong, JC., Otsuka, Y., Tomoda, M., Shimizu, N. and Shimada, K. : Relationship between chemical structure and anti-complementary activity of plant polysaccharides. Carbohydtate Res. 144, 101-111, 1985.
44) Kiyohara, H., Yamada, H., Cyong, JC., Otsuka, Y. : Studies on polysaccharides from Angelica acutiloba. V. Molecular aggregation and anti-complementary activity of arabinogalactan from Angelica acutiloba. J. Pharmacobiodyn. 9(4), 339-346,1986.
45) 丁 宗鉄、山田陽城、大塚恭男:免疫複合体、補体系と和漢薬 和漢医薬学会誌 3, 207-210, 1986.
46) Yamada, H., Cyong, JC., Otsuka, Y. : Purification and characterization of complement activating-acidic polysaccharide from the root of Lithospermum euchromum Royle. Int. J. Immunopharmac. 8, 71-82, 1986.
47) Yamada, H., Yanahira, Y., Kiyohara, H., Cyong, JC., Otsuka, Y. : Water-soluble glucaus from the seed of Coix lacrymajobivar. ma-yuen. Phytochemistry 25, 129-132, 1986.
48) Kiyohara, H., Yamada, H., Cyong, JC., Otsuka, Y. : Studies on polysaccharides from Angelica acutiloba V. Molecular aggregation and anti-complementary activity of arabino-galactan from Angelica acutiloba. J. Pharmacobio-Dyn. 9, 339-346, 1986.
49) 山崎嘉司、斉藤成司、小川浩司、丁 宗鉄、鈴木理文、小林 力:扁桃病巣感染症の発生機序とその修飾因子 日扁桃誌 25, 249-258, 1986.
50) Yamada, H., Nagai, T., Cyong, JC., Otsuka, Y., Tomoda, M., : Shimizu, N., and Gonda, R. : Relationship between chemical structure and activating potencies of complement by an acidic polysaccharide, Plantago-Mucilage A, from the seed of Plantago asiatica. Carbohydr. Res. 156, 137-145, 1986.
51) Yamada, H., Yoshino, M., Matsumoto, T., Nagai, T., Kiyohara, H., Cyong, JC., Nakagawa, A., Tanaka, H., Omura, S. : Effects of phytosterols on anti-complementary activity. Chem. Pharm. Bull. (Tokyo). 35(12),4851-4815,1987.
51) Yamada, H., Kiyohara, H., Cyong, JC., Otsuka, Y. : Structural characterisation of an anti-complementary arabinogalactan from the roots of Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa. Carbohydr. Res. 159(2),275-291,1987.
52) Cyong, JC., Matsumoto, T., Arakawa, K., Kiyohara, H., Yamada, H. : Anti-Bacteroides fragilis substance from Rhubarb. J. Ethanopharmacol. 19, 279-282, 1987.
53) 山崎嘉司、斉藤成司、小川浩司、丁 宗鉄、小林 力:扁桃組織の補体系に及ぼす影響 日扁桃誌 26, 134-140, 1987.
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